Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Yearbook Contest Update!

Alright Mustangs!

Clearly we already had an update on which class was in each of their places...Well, we wanted to post the new standing for you, to let you all know ;)

1st place - 12th grade
2nd place - TIE for 11th grade AND 10th grade
3rd place - 9th grade

11th and 10th grade, you both are currently at a TIE!!! =) Congrats 10th for pushing your class up there! Now it's time to keep that push and school spirit to make it to the top! 11th and 10th grade, you both are 9 books away for being tied with the first place class of Seniors! Keep up the good work! 9th grade you are only 2 books away from being tied with both 11th and 10th!! 

Who will the winner be? Who will take their class prize home at the end of the year? Only time will tell and only YOU can make it happen! =) Go out there and keep it up Mustangs!

Holding faith in each of you always,
The TXVA Yearbook Staff