Monday, May 20, 2013


Hello Mustangs!

As many of you already know, this week is known as TXVA's Final Review Week / Senior Final's Week (A.K.A. the stress-fullest week of our entire year). So, on behalf of all you stressed out students, the yearbook staff wanted to send you some cheerio fun and to remind you to never forget to spend some time and take a moment to laugh. =) 

Final Review Week
by TXVA Yearbook

Finals are here, and we know what that means,
We study and stress until we start to turn green.
Writing equations and memorizing formulas,
Going berserk while we pray for the hallelujahs.

Teachers are grading during the midst of the night,
while students are studying and becoming a frightful sight.
Can we help it if our eyes have turn red?
If our hair has become wild, and our minds suddenly widespread?

Widespread with all knowledge from last year until now,
What can they expect from us, when we all start to growl?
We don't like this stress, or this unexpected struggle,
To turn in our work as fast as a popped bubble.

But now there is no choice, monster-student and all,
we must carry forward, we must prevail through this hull! 
For I know you can do it, we have done it before,
All our teachers are cheering as we race for miraculous scores!

So bring in some coffee, some tea and some snacks,
turn into that monster-student, even if it means biting back.
Because we students, can never fail our studies,
for we have finally made it this far,
and I know we will rejoice at the end, with all of our buddies.


We know you guys can do this, and we are cheering for all of you! Don't forget to tell your parents that with all your hard work, to help purchase one of TXVA's awesome yearbook as a congrats gift for the end of the year! =) Only 23 books remains!! Get your copy today while you can! 

Holding faith in you all always,
The TXVA Yearbook Staff