Monday, April 29, 2013

Yearbook Deadline - Updated Standings

Hello Mustangs!

So, now that most of you are probably breathing a HUGE sigh of relief (due to state testing being over with for now), we just wanted to brighten your days with some new updates and awareness! 

1) If you have not bought your yearbooks yet, DO SO ASAP! Today and tomorrow are the LAST days to get the book at $33! After this, prices do increase, so please take advantage of this if you are able to!! If you have questions please do not hesitate to contact Ms. Brandy Fyffe and/or Ms. Lauren Groeschel. 

2) If you have not submitted yearbook pictures yet (general photos: deadline is June 30th -- portraits: May 15th) than please do so!! If you need help or guidance as far as what to submit or how to, please review our past posts and the recording we made as far as how to work for uploading pictures.

3) If you haven't bought prom tickets yet, I suggest you do being that Prom is only 5 days away people! PLUS be apart of the historical moment and see all the fun memories from that night in the yearbook! Don't miss out! 

4) Haven't completed polls or surveys to see your awesome responses and your friends in the yearbook? have no fear, the polls are here!

Student Surveys: 
(note that each one takes less than 5 minutes!)

Teachers and Staff: (note that it only takes less than 5 minutes!)

If you are a senior/TXVA faculty you are eligable to complete these as well:


5) The moment you've all been waiting for....are you ready? Okay, well ready or not, here is the current updated stats as far as our yearbook competition:

1st place - 12th Grade (remains in the lead!!)
2nd place - 11th Grade (catching close to the Seniors!)

3rd place - 10th Grade (you guys better push up the competition! Freshmen are right behind you!)
4th place - 9th Grade (only one book short for being tied with 10th grade and only 2 books short of being in 3rd place!)

So whats the conclusion after all of this? Buy your books, submit your pictures, buy your prom tickets, submit the polls, and continue to pass along the word if you want to win the prize and get YOUR grade up to first place! Schools not done yet, everyone. So lets keep up that TXVA School Spirit! =)

The TXVA Yearbook Staff

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Senior Year - Surveys For the Class and Staff of 2013!

Hello Fellow Mustangs!

As you may know, time is flying by and graduation is only a blink away! This year, Yearbook Staff wants to give the senior class of 2013 the opportunity to share their greatest and funnest moments by producing their quotes in the yearbook! PLUS teachers and staff have a special one too! How will faculty say farewell to the class of 2013? What are the best moments of senior year? Find out the answers when your book comes in! Hurry and purchase soon! Books are selling quickly and we aren't buying extra's this year! 

Here are the links:



Not a Senior or Faculty? That's okay! We still have the other surveys for everyone to participate in and have fun! Stay tuned for more individual grade level surveys, soon! 

Wishing you the best moments ever!
TXVA Yearbook Staff

Monday, April 22, 2013

A Yearbook Good Luck!

Hello Mustangs!

We know many of you are probably in the midst of studying those last cram sessions of TAKS and STAAR testing prep! So, on behalf of today, we just wanted to take a moment and say.....

Preparing today for the standardized test
our teacher said there was a lot to digest.
We'd have to divide by the square root of three
and learn to spell zygote, façade and marquis.

We'd need to play xylophone, trumpet and flute,
accordion, banjo, piano and lute,
recite all the capital cities by heart
and learn to take rocketship engines apart.

We'd have to speak Latin, Swahili and Greek,
learn nuclear fusion and fencing technique,
remember the fables of Persia and Rome
and crack all the codes in the human genome.

Then just when we thought that our heads might explode
from learning Chinese or dissecting a toad
she told us the very best thing she could say:
that she was just kidding; it's April Fool's Day.
--Kenn Nesbitt

Okay, so we obviously know you didn't have to learn Latin, or April fool's...LOL. BUT we do know that you all will do awesome and we know this because Students at TXVA don't ever quit! =) We stand strong, and determined and we know that you guys will have wonderful success for these state tests! =) Our prayers, thoughts, and luck is with you all! 

And remember: go celebrate by purchasing your yearbook/prom tickets/ and submitting pictures from state testing events! Show us just how successful you can be during these awesome times! =)

Having faith always in each of you,
TXVA Yearbook Staff

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

All about Prom! What's YOUR input?

Hello Mustangs!

We have a very exciting opportunity for you! Many of you know prom is only 2 WEEKS AWAY! So first of all, if you haven't bought your prom tickets, you better hurry! Its now open to all grade levels (9th and 10th grade need to be passing in order to attend). However, many of you also know that BOTH prom and graduation will be in the book this year! YAY! Which means, we have more opportunities to hear YOUR input for the latest polls, surveys, and everything else high school! 

So since prom is only two weeks away, this week we have a special poll for you:

Complete the poll above and let us know exactly what you think and feel regarding all things PROM! THEN make sure to purchase your yearbooks so you can see the awesome (and very funny) results from your fellow students and peers IN the book! 

Remember, don't forget to complete and voice your opinions for the other surveys and polls as well! The list is below:

Student Surveys: (note that each one takes less than 5 minutes!)

Teachers and Staff: (note that it only takes less than 5 minutes!)

Stay tuned Mustangs! As prom, portrait deadlines (may 15th) and graduation get closer, you'll be jumping in your seats once you see what we will start revealing and showing you soon! =)

Holding faith in each of you always!
The TXVA Yearbook Staff

Friday, April 12, 2013

TXVA Yearbook Contest Standings Update/Reminders


It's time to officially update you (AGAIN) on all things yearbook! =D We know so many of you guys have been submitting pictures and we would first like to say, THANK YOU! You guys all look fantastic and its so great to see just how TXVA has truly grown this year! 
Second, we wanted to remind you all  (especially since school is coming to a close and no one has time to remember all of this!) about the pictures we are always accepting from students AND faculty! But before we show you the list again, we first want to remind you on some key facts:

Portrait Picture Deadline: May 15th

General Photo Deadlines: June 30th
Yearbook Deadline: SOON if you want to buy it at $33; it increases at the end of April.

TXVA Yearbook Contest Standings:
1st Place - 12th Grade (GO SENIORS!)
2nd Place - 11th Grade
3rd Place - 10th Grade
4th Place - 9th Grade

* do note that the precise decrease in grade levels was actually NOT intentional LOL. Congrats 10th grade! You moved up a position! Keep it up and you never know who will be in 1st! 

Here is the "Photo List":
- Portraits (please view our post about requirements for portrait pictures)
- Students at Work (science experiments, you at your desk or wherever you do homework, etc.)
- Faculty at Work (teacher-in-services, training's, at your desk, grading papers, etc.)
- Field Trips and Student Council Field Trips
- Hobbies and Sports (what you like to do; whether skateboarding, playing a sport, anything! Give us some "action shots")
- Art Work (sculptures, drawings, paintings, etc.)
- Family/School Friends/You with your pets
- Volunteer/Jobs (Do you work? Or volunteer? Send us pictures where you work your magic! just make sure YOU'RE in the shot.)
- Faculty High School Pictures (yes, you read correctly. We wanna see what YOU finally looked like at our age.)

Here is the "Special Photo List": a.k.a. pictures to submit AFTER they've happened
- Junior/Senior Prom (whether its getting ready, dancing, or group pictures! We want to see it all!)

*If you are having trouble submitting pictures, please view our older posts for ALL instructions on! 

Remember if you guys need ANY help or have ANY questions, please feel free to contact Ms. Brandy Fyffe, Lauren Groeschel, or anyone of our staffers! And who are the staffers you may ask? Well stay tuned for next week Mustangs, because you're going to get the BEST sneak peek ever! =D

Talk to you soon!
The TXVA Yearbook Staff

Yearbook "Sneak Peek" Pt. 3 Revealed

Alright Mustangs!

Today is the day where all these riddles will FINALLY make some sense! =) But before we show you what they all meant, lets take a quick review of each one:

Riddle #1:

 This page may lay between a couple of yearbook pages.
 One that is made for not the youngest in the school,
 but possibly those who may be graduating. 

 It contains thoughtful insights, and yet, hilarious outcomes.
 However, can you guess just what or to whom it belongs?

Riddle #2:

I can describe your thoughts and directions, before one leaves.
I can guide your decisions, before you freak!
I can be quite helpful, if you only gave me the chance.
However, in the end, its all just for laughs.

Riddle #3:

I'm one who's filled with color,
I have arrows pointing every which way.
My directions may seem pointless now,
But in the end, I'll lead the way! 

Make any sense yet? Well, if not, no worries! =) Here is the revealing for this week! 

Until next time fellow Mustangs, the TXVA Yearbook Staff has once again saved the day and we wish you all, a very happy weekend and a glorious hooray! LOL =p

Until next week,
The TXVA Yearbook Staff

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Yearbook "Sneak Peek" Pt. 3 - Riddle # 3

Howdy' Mustangs!

Are you ready for today's riddle? And yes, you may be wondering why there wasn't any yesterday.  Well, to answer those inquiring minds that want to know ;), we decided to give you a day break and to ponder the two riddles already created. Tomorrow will be the revealing so here is your FINAL and LAST riddle for this week's "Sneak Peek".

Riddle #3:

I'm one who's filled with color,
I have arrows pointing every which way.
My directions may seem pointless now,
But in the end, I'll lead the way! 

Alright everyone, keep pondering these riddles and remember: try thinking outside the box! Its usually something that is so simple, but something that takes some good thinking. ;)

Until Tomorrow's Reveal!
The TXVA Yearbook Staff

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Yearbook "Sneak Peek" Pt. 3 - Riddle #2

Hello Mustangs!

Are you ready for today's riddle? Okay, well here we go!!

Riddle #2:

I can describe your thoughts and directions, before one leaves.
I can guide your decisions, before you freak!
I can be quite helpful, if you only gave me the chance.
However, in the end, its all just for laughs. 

Can you guess what it is just yet? If not, no worries! You still have three more days! =)

Remember to buy your books/prom tickets! And submit pictures! Keep those grade level standings up there people! 12th grade is still in 1st place! Until next time! ;)

Holding faith in you always,
The TXVA Yearbook Staff

Monday, April 8, 2013

Yearbook gains Booster Club Support!

Hello Parents/Students!

We are blessed to be able to tell you that over the past two weeks, yearbook staff has been working with the Booster Club from TXVA to make sure, every student and parent has equal and all opportunities to reach and be apart of the ever-awesome history of our school, by receiving a yearbook! 

Here is the link if you'd like to continue your support for both Booster Club as well as Yearbook Staff:

You can find all important information, surveys and a direct link to this blog! PLUS you will also find the TXVA Prom tab right above ours as well! So be sure to remember that when you visit, you'll not only check out and buy your yearbook today but also your prom tickets as well! =) 

We thank all Booster Club members, especially Ms. Hardy (Booster Club Pres.) and Ms. Doty (Booster Club Treasurer), from our entire hearts and we hope that you all continue to help thank and support our TXVA Booster Club, as well! Without them, we'd never have all the awesome things we do today. THANK YOU!

Holding Faith in TXVA Always,
The TXVA Yearbook Staff

Yearbook "Sneak Peek" Pt. 3

Hello Mustangs!

Are you ready for another AWESOME yearbook "sneak peek"? Well, we sure hope so! Because this week will be one that is quite interesting. ;) Try to figure out the riddle possibly each day, and by the end of the week be prepared for the awesome revealing of what may shock you. 

Riddle #1:

 This page may lay between a couple of yearbook pages.
 One that is made for not the youngest in the school,
 but possibly those who may be graduating. 

 It contains thoughtful insights, and yet, hilarious outcomes.
 However, can you guess just what or to whom it belongs?

Stay tuned Mustangs! And remember don't forget to purchase your books before prices increase by the END of THIS MONTH! Make sure you also submit those awesome pictures of you, your family, and anything that defines exactly who YOU are at! View past posts for all instructions on "how-to's". 

Holding faith in all Mustangs,

The TXVA Yearbook Staff

P.S. Be sure to purchase your prom tickets! Photos from that night will be in the yearbook as well, so lets all be apart of a night that we can enjoy and remember for the rest of our lives! =)